9 Simple Ways to Live a More Sustainable Lifestyle


也许你已经在朝着更可持续的生活方式努力了——比如购买LED灯泡和使用特殊的蓝色垃圾桶 只是 回收. You’ve 甚至 pictured yourself in your very own electric vehicle.

But for now, you want to know how to be more sustainable in the present. 现在. Luckily, we’re here to help you underst和 how to reduce your carbon footprint 和 live a more sustainable lifestyle. 

So follow along to learn how to be more sustainable right in your very own home.


当谈到我们家里的能源消耗时,减少不必要的使用会产生很大的影响. 如果你记得关掉你的电子设备,不仅你的电费会更便宜, but you’ll also be reducing your carbon footprint. 双赢.


  • 电视 
  • 电脑显示器
  • 打印机
  • Speakers 和 stereo systems
  • 游戏控制台

如果你不记得关掉电器,试着买几个智能插头. 这些设备可以让你把日常的灯和电器插到定时插座上, so they’ll turn off at a certain time 甚至 if you forget.

#2 Watch Out for Food Waste

When it comes to underst和ing 如何减少浪费, avoiding food waste is a good first step. 选择植物性食物和可持续来源的食材是使你的烹饪创作更具可持续性的好方法, it also matters what you throw 走了.

扔掉上周没吃完的意大利面可能看起来没什么大影响,但它会累积起来. Every year, people in the United States waste 108 billion pounds of food.1 Not only is it a waste of resources, but that wasted food contributes to the greenhouse effect (no thank you, 气候变化).


  • Check your fridge 和 pantry first – See what you already have in stock so you don’t buy more than you need.
  • 列购物清单 -在去商店之前,列一份购物清单,列出你一周所需的每样东西. The most important part of the grocery list is 坚持 到单子上的东西. 否则, 当你站在收银台的时候,购物车里装着半个超市的东西,而你的收据和你的腿一样长.
  • 每周进行一次食物净化 每周挑一天翻一翻冰箱,把剩下的剩饭吃了. 这适用于砂锅菜, 不用的水果和蔬菜, 是的, the neglected yogurt that’s hiding in the back corner.
  • 考虑堆肥 – Composting is an excellent way to turn the foods you do 扔掉它,变成一种全新的资源——一种可以减少你的碳足迹,并为你的花园提供额外营养的资源.2

#3 Use More Sustainable Cleaning 十大彩票网赌平台


To keep your home spotless without hurting Mother Nature, keep these tips in mind the next time you shop for cleaning products:

  • 避免使用刺激性成分 -一些清洁十大彩票网赌平台含有有害化学物质和致癌物,对人类有毒且不安全, 动物, 还有环境.
  • Choose climate-positive options – 十大彩票网赌平台 manufactured in climate-positive facilities, like ECOS plant-powered清洁工 优先考虑可持续制造业和可再生能源.
  • 保持可生物降解 -易于生物降解配方的十大彩票网赌平台使用的成分不会留在我们的生态系统中. 这对你、你喝的水,以及地球上几乎所有的生物都有好处.
  • Seek out the 安全的选择 logo -由美国开发.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 这个标志是一个简单的方法来发现更安全的清洁十大彩票网赌平台,而不必担心里面是什么. “更安全的选择”项目帮助人们找到对人类和地球都更安全的十大彩票网赌平台.

Sustainable cleaning supplies 不仅可以保持你的家干净,保护你的家人,还可以减少对环境的负面影响. 

#4 Pr环境保护署re or Pack Your Lunch at Home

Sustainable practices don’t require drastic life changes, 和 a simple way to practice sustainability is by making your own lunch. We all love a lunch outing now 和 then, 但是开车去每个午餐地点会让你更频繁地在路上,从而增加你的碳排放. Packing your lunch for work, 旅行, 其他的户外活动不仅更可持续,而且还可以节省你在交通堵塞和排长队的时间. 

Here are a couple of tips for packing your lunch each day:

  • 晚餐准备 -如果你周日有空闲时间,考虑一到两顿你一周想吃的饭. Casseroles 和 one-pan meals are excellent 和 simple options for meal prepping. Make your grocery list, get your ingredients, 和 get cookin’. After you’re done, portion food directly into your reusable containers. -你现在有了一周的快餐选择,你也可以做同样的零食!
  • 吃你的剩菜 – Maybe you prefer some variety in your life. 一些 香料,如果你愿意的话. 有一天吃意大利面. 下一个是玉米卷饼. 我们看到你, 我们向你们的选择致敬. 如果你走这条路, 确保你每天晚上做足够多的晚餐,这样你就有剩菜可以打包第二天的午餐了.


是的, we mentioned this above–but it deserves a double mention.

无论你是在准备饭菜还是准备在下次聚会上分享的菜肴, be sure to use reusable food containers. 玻璃容器是最佳选择,因为它们比塑料容器的使用寿命更长. 此外,它们是可回收的,可以承受微波炉、洗碗机和烤箱的热量.

But using reusables doesn’t have to end there. 而当你时间紧迫的时候,从冰箱里拿瓶装水又快又容易, it only takes a few extra seconds to fill up a reusable bottle each day. Plus, you’ll save money 和 stay hydrated without having to rely on plastics.

#6 Use Sustainable Goods 和 Supplies

From your home office to your guest bathroom, 你储存的物资可以帮助你从上到下保持你的家环保. 你经常买的东西, 你有机会找到更环保的选择——从无塑料笔到无树厕纸. 

是的, 甚至 toilet paper can be sustainable.

With some sustainable replacements, you can comfortably (和 sustainably) use as much as you need when you need it.


你可能在考虑去巴哈马的三天之旅是否需要五套或六套泳衣. 也许你正在策略性地计划如何把你最喜欢的牛仔裤塞进你已经塞得满满的行李箱里. Let’s be honest–when we venture 走了 from home, how much we bring can affect our environmental impact.

飞机上每增加一磅行李就意味着飞机将排放更多的碳.5 一个恰当的例子? 少即是多.

Bring the essentials, but don’t overdo it. 打电话给你的酒店,看看他们是否有洗衣服务,或者看看你的Airbnb是否有洗衣机. If so, be sure to pack one of our ECOS Liquidless 洗衣 Detergent sheets to save you time, money, 和 carbon emissions.

#8 Avoid Single-Use Plastics

Have you ever thought about how much plastic you use on a daily basis? Plastic bags for late-night snack purchases at the 7-El甚至. 塑料水瓶可以让你在一次又一次的旅行中保持水分. 这样的例子不胜枚举.

你可以在你最常使用的地方,比如你的车里或厨房里,放一些可重复使用的水瓶和手提袋,以此来减少塑料的消耗. Plus, reusable items can be multifunctional. Just consider all the ways you can use a reusable grocery bag:

  • Toting your vacation necessities to 和 from the beach
  • Grabbing a few food essentials from the corner store
  • 打包野餐午餐
  • Keeping it on h和 for last-minute err和s

#9 Use Sustainable Transportation

改变你从A地到B地的旅行方式可以帮助你在很大程度上建立一种更可持续的生活方式. Consider that when you use 只是 one gallon of gasoline, your car could emit as much as 8,887克二氧化碳.6

When you choose other methods of transportation instead, 在悠闲地欣赏风景的同时,你可以为更清洁的环境做出贡献(同时还可以省下一些油钱)。.

如果你住在农村地区, 拼车, 公共汽车, 和 trains (if your area has them) may be the best bet. 然而,如果你住在城市里,你可能有一些更可持续的选择,比如:

  • Walking, for shorter distances
  • 自行车股票
  • 摩托车
  • 地铁
  • 公共汽车
  • 骑股票

ECOS: Helping You Live More Sustainable Every Day

可持续的生活 is possible—和 it doesn’t have to change your entire lifestyle or break the bank. Whether you’re reading a book at home or are about to jet-set across the country, there are ways to do so sustainably.

如果你有兴趣通过你的日常行动来改变地球,ECOS可以帮到你. Look through our wide selection of sustainable cleaning products 和 pick out what you need to start living a more sustainable life today.

ECOS清洁十大彩票网赌平台由植物成分制成,使您的房屋保持清洁 work toward creating a more sustainable world–because every little bit helps.

美国供养. How We Fight Food Waste in the US. http://www.feedingamerica.org/our-work/our-approach/reduce-food-waste 
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 安全的选择. http://www.epa.gov/saferchoice 
Guadua竹. 竹子的事实. http://www.guaduabamboo.com/blog/bamboo-is-the-fastest-growing-plant-on-earth 
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 在家堆肥. http://www.epa.gov/recycle/composting-home 
国家地理. 10 ways you can reduce carbon emissions when you 旅行. http://www.nationalgeographic.co.uk/travel/2020/03/10-ways-you-can-reduce-carbon-emissions-when-you-travel 
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Typical Passenger Vehicle. http://www.环境保护署.gov/greenvehicles/greenhouse-gas-emissions-typical-passenger-vehicle